PEPS – If you’re looking to take your enemies out of the fight but not kill them, this is your gun.

It can be effective against groups and armored targets when loaded with explosive rounds. It can hold a magazine of 5 to 8 rounds and deliver substantial damage to enemies at the cost of long-range effectiveness. 357 – This revolver, which seems to be rare (at least early in the game), offers an excellent punch. However, because the weapon is quick, it can be used in conjunction with a silent takedown to incapacitate multiple foes.ĭiamond Back. The trade-off is the weapon’s extremely short range – you may not have to get close enough for a takedown, but you will have to be close enough to hear your target picking his nose. Handgunsīuzzkill TND Stun Gun – Silent and quick, the stun gun can knock an opponent out cold in the blink of an eye, making it great for non-violent stealth characters. Of course, they do require energy, so the Windowmaker will be preferred if you happen to find yourself in knife-fight range with a group. With all of this said, the shotgun’s usefulness is somewhat negated by takedowns, which are generally quicker and quieter. It’s not quiet, and it’s not accurate, but it is powerful and messy. Widowmaker TX Shotgun – This big, nasty shotgun does what all shotguns do best – kill people at short ranges. Besides being non-lethal, this weapon is also quiet, so it can be used with little fear of alarming other guards. The tranquilizer rifle fires darts that put out a human’s lights in a few seconds, unless you hit them in the head, which results in immediate incapacitation. PAX-22 Tranquilizer Rifle – Looking to take out enemies from a decent range without killing them? That’s what this is for. The big downside to this rifle is the fact that a suppressor is not built-in, making it suitable only to situations where detection isn’t feared. This one is a bit less conventional, however, as it is semi-automatic and holds five-round magazines. Longsword 202 Sniper Rifle – Hey, look, it’s another sniper rifle. As you might expect, this is the weapon of choice for long-range kills, but is a poor firearm for short-range work.
#Deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo upgrade
There’s no need for a suppressor upgrade because it is built-in. It’s accurate at long ranges, but has a low rate of fire. Longsword Whisperhead Sniper Rifle – Hey look, it’s a sniper rifle.

Potential upgrades such as sound suppressors and laser targeting can turn this into a nice weapon for assassins feeling thuggish. It can spray-and-pray with the best of them, and since it’s not as accurate as many other rifles, it is the best choice for that use. Hurricane TMP-18 Submachine Gun – Encountered early, this short range, fully automatic weapon is good for medium-range skirmishes. There are no upgrades, so this weapon will likely be left to use as a novelty as more weapons become available. It fires two barrels at once and does significant damage, with the obvious disadvantage being its short range and slow rate of fire. Huntsman Silverback – This basic double-barreled shotgun is as old-tech as it gets, and is available to players with certain pre-order packs. With all of that said, it can be a bit thirsty for ammo, so it must be used with precision despite the fact that it can be fired full-auto. This weapon is both powerful and accurate at long distances, and it can be upgraded with a silencer, laser sight, and even a target-assist system. RiflesįR-27 SFR Combat Rifle – A well-rounded weapon, the combat rifle will be favored by combat characters looking to mix things up at medium to long range. With this information in mind, let’s have a look at the hardware at your disposable in Human Revolution. Deus Ex Weapons Guide: Pistols, Rifles and More