If set to 0, lantern will emit light only when held(Default is 0). If set to 1, lantern will emit light when in player’s hotbar. V1.4 – Complete rewrite of the lighting algorithm – faster, better, easier to maintain, fixed bug that prevented this mod from working on servers, fixed bug that could potentially cause problems with tile entities on servers, other players can now see light emitted by your lantern! V1.41 – Lantern 3D model visible when held in hand (this can be turned on and off in config file), amount of light emitted by lantern can now be configured via cofig file(it can be value from 5 to 15, 10 being default), when on server amount of emitted light is determined by value set on server side, unlike the belt lantern option This setting is reset each time player enters a world, which means no restart of Minecraft is required in case you want to switch to different server or play in SP, Faster packet handling on server side
V1.42 – Major code cleanup, new config entry for servers allowing them to force their setting of belt lantern (on/off) to connected clients. V1.43 – Light value of placed latern now corresponds to the light value emitted by lantern held in hand, lightning algorithm improved – you now don’t have to make a step after you equip lantern in order for it to start emitting light, dynamic recipe – you can now set which item/block will be used in recipe instead of glowstone! Just change the id in config file(note that if you are playing on server, only server set recipe will work, no matter what you have set in your config) V1.44 – You can now hang lantern from slabs, stairs and fences, some minor improvements of the code